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Monthly Archives: February 2020
Checking if a variable has been submitted to a function
The line above will return true if the ‘Username’ has been provided to the function
Function get-TPNUserState() {
Supplies some sommonly needed values for a user:
PasswordLastSet, DisplayName, Description, LastLogonDate, Manager, DistinguishedName, whencreated
get-TPNUserState tp-nickel
.Parameter Username
The username that you want to look into. If you don't enter one then it will prompt you.
if(!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Username')){ $Username = read-host -Prompt UserName } #if Username is not set then prompt for it.
Get-ADuser $Username -properties PasswordLastSet, DisplayName, Description, LastLogonDate, Manager, DistinguishedName, whencreated | select SAMAccountName, DisplayName, Description, Enabled, PasswordLastSet, LastLogonDate, whencreated, Manager, DistinguishedName | fl