Commands |
Description |
Gpmc.msc |
Group Policy Management Console |
Gpresult |
wmic csproduct get vendor,name,identifyingnumber |
Find service tag, model and vendor |
WMIC /Node: LogicalDisk Where DriveType="3" Get DeviceID,FreeSpace,Size /format:list > %SystemDrive%\DiskInfo.txt |
Disk Size and free space (good for Hyper-V boxes!) |
WMIC /Node:"BEN-WIN7-PC" ComputerSystem Get UserName |
Find who is logged on |
Systeminfo > c:\systeminfo.txt |
Lots of system information including UPTIME for Server 2003 |
netdom query /domain:dpetri fsmo |
Which servers hold the FSMO roles |
wmic useraccount get name,sid |
Show Username and corresponding SID |
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Engineering Notes for Iceni Design support staff.